Sole Proprietors - Schedule C
Owners of Single-Member LLCs can count on us to assist with more than tax filing. We take care of compiling financials for those who do not have bookkeepers and advise on the right strategies to optimize the tax benefits IRS has to offer.
We handle Schedule-C filings with:
Depreciation Schedules
Foreign Income/Taxes
Simple/SEP IRAs
Health & Long-Term Care Insurance
Gains or Losses on Capital Assets
Electing alternative Self-Employment Tax Calculations in years of Net/Loss
Tax Basis Reconciliations
1099-NEC Preparation
Partnerships - 1065
Multi-member LLCs taxed as partnerships have come to the right place. Our tax services cover the full life cycles of partnerships from start-up to growth to maturity.
We take care of partnerships with:
General and Limited Partners
Guaranteed Payments
Section 179 Depreciation
Foreign Income/Taxes
Gains/Losses on Capital Assets
Spousal Partnerships with Self-Employed Tax Requirements
Tax Basis Computations
K-1s for Each Partner
1099-NEC Preparation
Small Business Corporation - 1120s
Small Business Corporations tax filing comes with a lot of complexities that sometimes confuse taxpayers. We assist taxpayers who you are interested in electing to become an S-Corp and have general questions about the benefits of being taxed as an S-Corp.
We handle S-Corps with:
Initial S-Corp Election – Form 2553
Preparation of K-1s for Each Shareholder
Depreciations Schedules
Section 179 & Bonus Depreciation
Passive Income
Basis Computations
Foreign Income/Taxes
1099-NEC Preparation
C-Corporation - 1120
C-Corps are somewhat like S-Corps with the exception that they are themselves taxable entities. We will look at the intricacies of your business and help to maximize your tax benefits as a C-Corporation.
We take care of C-Corps with:
Foreign Income/Taxes
Employee Retention/Benefits Programs
Energy Efficient Strategies
1099-NEC Preparation